Know Bugs with SWTOR Patch 4.0

With a new major game update, comes new bugs to be fixed. Here is BioWares response the major bugs so far found in game update 4.0:

Help I lose all my C2-N2 affection | 10.22.2015, 04:04 PM

Quote: Originally Posted by docbenwayddo

When 4.0 hit I lost 8/10 of my ship droids. The 2 I managed to keep still had their Influence at 10k, but the 8 returned today were reset to 0.
All of the characters who had missing droids got their obsolete crafting sensors back in the mail, but the 2 that kept their droids and affection have not received their crafting sensors back.
The 1 C2 that I had a customization on is no longer able to equip that customization.

Sorry to hear you’re having trouble! We are looking into remaining companion issues following 4.0a now (I’m looking at you, too, Xalek).

Two questions for from the team: Have you started Chapter 1 of KOTFE yet? Which Customization are you not able to equip?

Ability Missing after 4.0A Patch (Medical Probe) | 10.22.2015, 04:05 PM

Hey Medical Probers!

We’re looking into this. Thank you for your reports!


Left story at beginning of Chapter 4, now clicking play won’t let back in. | 10.22.2015, 04:08 PM

Quote: Originally Posted by Boroth

Found a workaround…/4887661#M2631

Glad you were able to find a workaround! We’ll still look into the overlying issue so that you don’t have to reset the Chapter, though.

Utilities cannot be set after a spec swap | 10.22.2015, 04:10 PM

Hey hey!

Re-logging does appear to resolve the issue, and it’s a solid workaround while we investigate.


Companion Locator Terminal | 10.22.2015, 04:14 PM

Hey everyone,

The Companion Locator Terminal is bugged as many have guessed. We didn’t have a fix ready for it in time for 4.0a, but are aiming for 4.0.1, which will most likely be on Tuesday with the release of the expansion.


Andronikos Revel Cannot dual wield blasters any longer? | 10.22.2015, 04:23 PM

We are currently working on getting Andronikos and Corso looked at! I don’t have any ETA on a change, but it’s on our radar.