
An Alternate Kiss: Exploring the Deleted Scene from Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back

Han And Leia’s Alternate Kissing Deleted Scene

Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back is considered by many as the best film in the Star Wars franchise, and it’s not hard to see why. The movie is a masterpiece of storytelling, with great acting, action, and some of the most iconic scenes in movie history. One of the most famous scenes is the first kiss between Han Solo and Princess Leia. But did you know that there was an alternate kissing scene that was deleted from the movie? This scene is only a few seconds long, but it’s enough to give us a glimpse into what might have been. In the original scene, Han and Leia share a kiss while hiding in the Millennium Falcon, thinking that they are safe from the Empire’s grasp. It’s a sweet moment that shows the chemistry between the two characters and sets the stage for their relationship throughout the rest of the…

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What are we fighting for?

Image by F0rmaldehyde Yes we here at SWTORStrategies know, Valentine’s Day is over. But that Hallmark/Nestle money making day has no ownership over love! Love exists throughout the entire year, at every hour, boundless, at the whim of our collective hearts. True lovers don’t need a special day to love. So too does this video which came out the day after Valentine’s. You’ll love it regardless of what day of the year it is. It’s a story of lovers, with in the empire, who dare ask the question: “What are we fighting for?” Thanks King Théoden, for your work. It was awesome.

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Debate: Sith Or Republic- Which Side Will You Choose?

One of the first decisions you’ll make when playing Star Wars: The Old Republic, is whether to choose the Sith civilization or the Galactic Republic. Which one will you choose? Do you have a specific reason for choosing one side over the other? Nearly every player seems to have a preference of which they will play. Many players make a decision based on how each side is portrayed in the sense of good and evil. Some people prefer to be a part of the “good” side, while others prefer the “bad” side. Some people also base it on movie or lore preferences. In SWTOR, the Republic is portrayed as the “good” side while the Sith is portrayed as “evil” but not everyone agrees with this assessment. It’s really a matter of perception and when you take a closer look at both sides, you’ll see a few problems with that interpretation….

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TOR TV: The Inquisitor Takes You Through Athiss

Greetings good Sithizens and other lowly Jedi. Normally we make our Sith Inquisition posts here on Thursdays, but we just finished production on a very impressive video yesterday and we wanted to share it with all of you. This is a full playthrough of the Planet Athiss flashpoint from the perspective of the Inquisition’s Lord himself. We go through all three major bosses and get a basic grasp of the mechanics, as well as the trash and mechanics of the flashpoint overall. It’s just under an hour long, and brought to you in full 1080p eye bleeding quality. Feel free to ignore the chatter throughout the video, we were discussing the flashpoint, some basic mechanics, and other happening during the last day of beta, but I turned it down specifically so the audio of the flashpoint could be heard. You can find more great videos of The Old Republic Here!

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The Sith Inquisition Marches Onward

Greetings swtorstrategies.com, we are The Sith Inquisition. Myself and the rest of my team are all diehard Imperials, and would rather shed our own blood as Sith than let the Republic overcome us. For a few weeks now we’ve been putting out Empire side news and opinion updates, recently being enhanced by a few pieces of beta video content, and now we’re happy to be invited to do a weekly column right her on swtorstrategies.com. You can look forward to a lot of news and opinion on the dark side and the Empire, although we do also like to put out general news content when it’s applicable. One thing we’ll be doing is short news broadcasts through twitter at least once a week, possible coinciding with the posts we’ll be putting up here. We’ll also be keeping you up to date on major roleplay and PvP activities that we’re emailed…

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