Fan Friday

As always, the Fan Friday segment contains New Fan Stuff by the Geeks to the Geeks. The most noteworthy portion is the announcement that Star Wars: The Old Republic will be present at PAX East this year. The convention will be held from March 11-13 in Boston, Massachusetts.

Other then that you can find tons ofother cool stuff:

New Smilies and avatars pics for
Dont miss the New Studio Insider this month for an in-depth look at the design of the Agent starship and more Community Q&A answers.
If you have some talents you wish to share then visit the community forums.
Greighson from the SWTOR forum community created Sith-themed propaganda.
Another member named Crypticgrrl detailed close-up portraits. They look really awesome.

There are Some really nice Fan Fic work. The story’s called Final Ex a member named Kharnis. If I finish any of my Star Wars stories then I’ll post too but they are still a working progress I keep jumping from story to story throughout different moments in times.

The Events page will have details that Star Wars The Old Republic will present at Pax East this year that will take place in Boston, Massachusetts from March 11th to March 13th.
Learn more on the Pax website.

More on all these things on the SWTOR website and May the Force be with you.