Faction lore

How Liberty Dies: The Politics of Star Wars

How Liberty Dies: The Politics of Star Wars

The politics of Star Wars has always been a complex and multi-faceted topic, with numerous factions and power struggles shaping the course of events in the galaxy far, far away. From the tyrannical rule of the Galactic Empire to the heroic resistance of the Rebel Alliance, the Star Wars franchise has explored a wide range of political themes and ideologies. At the heart of the Star Wars universe is the dichotomy between the light side and the dark side of the Force. The light side represents the virtues of selflessness, compassion, and wisdom, while the dark side represents the temptation of power, anger, and fear. Throughout the Star Wars saga, characters are constantly torn between these two opposing forces, with many ultimately choosing to embrace the darkness. One of the most prominent political themes in Star Wars is the idea of authoritarianism versus democracy. The Galactic Empire, led by the…

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Faction lore: Jedi Order

The Jedi Order was an ancient and noble monastic peacekeeping organization unified by its belief and observance of the Force. The Jedi were the guardians of peace and justice in the Galactic Republic, and became the most famous of the various groups that relied on the Force for their power. Led by a series of Jedi Councils, the Order grew over the millennia despite facing many trials, most often threats from the Sith, wielders of the dark side of the Force. Origins and brief history of the Order Since the beginning and most likely before the Galactic Republic, scientists had been studying the Force and its connection to midi-chlorians. This research was conducted most notably by the Paladins of the Chatos Academy, The Followers of Palawa and the Order of Dai Bendu, on planets like Ondos and Had Abbadon. The Jedi Order itself, however, began on Tython, where the brightest…

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Faction lore: Galactic Republic

The Republic itself was formed in 25,053 BBY when the first “Galactic Constitution” was signed on Coruscant, after the Corellian Hyperdrive connected many worlds in the Galactic Core. Whether this means that Coruscant was the original homeworld of humans or simply the most powerful world at the time is still up for debate, and there has been little said about the event other than that it occurred. The Republic was made up of several hundred thousand worlds. The Republic, led by a Supreme Chancellor, had a supposedly democratic government that was able to sustain itself for over twenty-five thousand years. It is said that its complete history would “fill a thousand libraries”. In its latest years, it was a benevolent – though ineffectual – government tied up in layers of bureaucracy. History The Human Core around which the Republic was formed Formation The Republic was born with the signing of…

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Faction Lore: The Hutt Cartel

The Hutt Cartel were a powerful crime syndicate- a business alliance of Hutts. It had a personal military of both an army and Starfleet and waged war with the Zann Consortium until the Battle of Hypori. History The Hutts have a rich history. During the time of the Great Galactic War, the Hutt Cartel grew displeased with the Sith Emperor because he left them out of his plans and intrigues. But the Republic was unsuccessful in getting the Hutts’ support against the Empire so the Cartel remained neutral in war, like many others who made up the criminal underworld.  The Cartel had control of the Kaer Orbital Platform a few decades before the Clone Wars after they forced the InterGalactic Banking Clan off the Platform. They later abandoned it, finding it useless. Clone Wars During the Clone Wars, Boorka the Hutt held considerable power. He co-operated with Sev’rance Tann during…

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Faction lore: Czerka Corporation

Czerka Corporation, founded as Czerka Mining and Industrial, was a galaxy-spanning business. It controlled interests on Korriban, Kashyyyk, Taris, Tatooine, Telos IV, and countless other planets. In Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II—The Sith Lords, although not the primary villain, Czerka is presented as an amoral entity; not only they are allied with the Sith but frequently use underground means for their ends, such as stealing from rivals, having financial motivation for everything, using violence and slavery, hiring mercenaries, smuggling of weapons, etc. They will often ask the player some jobs which are generally “dirty.” In general, Czerka are the secondary villains, and the player follows the Czerka quests if he chooses the dark side options. However, that doesn’t mean that Czerka is a representative of the Dark Side or her employees are inherently evil: the Tatooine quests are the…

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Faction lore: The Exchange

The Exchange was a criminal organization active around 4,000 BBY, and possibly the most powerful of its time, that dealt in spice smuggling, extortion, weapon trafficking, slave trading, and bounty hunting. The organization was active on many planets and employed notorious bounty hunters such as Calo Nord. During the First Jedi Purge, they posted a huge bounty on live Jedi, large enough to purchase an entire planet. 300 years later, during the Cold War, the Exchange was engaged in a galaxy spanning crime war with the Hutt Cartel centring on Nar Shaddaa. History The organization was active on many planets and employed notorious bounty hunters such as Calo Nord. Some branch heads included Davik Kang, the crime lord of the planet Taris, Loppak Slusk of Telos IV, and Goto of Nar Shaddaa. The Exchange was an extremely powerful criminal organization that operated throughout much of the Outer Rim Territories. The…

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Faction lore: Mandalorian

The Mandalorians (called Mando’ade in Mando’a, meaning “children of Mandalore”) were a warlike, nomadic group of clan-based people consisting of members from multiple species. Often, they served as mercenaries and bounty hunters. Their culture revolved around that of battle and war being a source of honor and pride in their community. The leader of the Mandalorians typically took on the title of “Mandalore.” Mandalorians were frequently allied with the Sith, most notably Exar Kun and much later as a prototype for the Clone trooper under the power of Darth Sidious and the Galactic Republic, though they would not hesitate to cooperate with the Jedi if it suited them. In later years Mandalorian Warriors wore very distinctive battle helmets with T-shaped visors that covered the entirety of their faces, which would provide inspiration for the helmets of the clone troopers. These helmets would eventually become strongly associated with the Mandalorian people….

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The Sith Empire

The true origins of the Sith remain shrouded in mystery. The Sith race was, in fact, largely unimportant until three thousand years ago, when Dark Jedi exiles arrived on Korriban and subjugated the Sith beneath their rule and their philosophy. As the years passed, the Dark Jedi intermarried with those they ruled, and within generations, the word “Sith” took on new meaning. This powerful new civilization began expanding rapidly, led by a growing population of ambitious dark Force-users. Fifteen hundred years ago, the Sith civilization’s boundaries reached the Republic, and the Great Hyperspace War began. Dark Lord of the Sith Naga Sadow led his armies in an aggressive campaign to destroy the Galactic Republic. Though the Sith were successful at first, the Jedi Order rallied back to defeat their dark counterparts, systematically destroying the Sith civilization on Korriban. Unbeknownst to the Jedi however, the last Emperor of the Sith managed…

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