bioware customer service

SWTOR Proves better than Most when Servicing their Customers

I have been playing MMOs for a very long time now. Recently, a game that I previously beta’d and later left when the content was lacking went to free-to-play. No surprise really, as this seems to be the direction most MMORPGs are now taking. I heard they had greatly expanded and updated the content since I last played so I wanted to check it out. I tried to log in my account and was unable to due to a password problem. I tried to recover my password or reset it and this also failed. So I decided to contact customer service to help me. As it turns out, you needed to login your account to put in a CS ticket. Really? /facepalm So I look for an email to contact the company. No such luck. All I find is a contact form that again requires me to fill in my…

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